Though Alaska is the largest state in the U.S. concerning area, it's one of the least populated.
D istances between cities, lack of roads, vast wilderness regions, and harsh winter weather, travel across Alaska could be difficult, expensive, and time-consuming. These hurdles pose several challenges for those who want to further their education in Alaska. Online or distance learning can be extremely valuable for both students and working professionals. Distance learning technologies has helped rural Alaskans to expand their educational horizons and network with one another. Featured Online Schools ADVERTISEMENT EXPLORE ONLINE UNDERGRAD PROGRAMS Strayer University Strayer University was founded in 1892 as a business college, but has since evolved to provide degree programs in a number of other career-focused disciplines, such as criminal justice, public administration, and health services administration. Students can take classes at one of Strayer's greater than 100 campuses or master online from home.Learn More Strayer UniversityVISIT SITE EXPLORE ONLINE UNDERGRAD PROGRAMS Sou...